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Writer's pictureLiam Mcsherry

Sutton Disposable Vape Audit

At the end of last year, I conducted a collection and auditing project around Sutton to estimate how many disposable vapes were being discarded on the high street and surrounding areas. What started as a simple counting exercise became something else quite rapidly.

As a relatively new waste stream and environmental problem, I broadened the scope of the audit to look at the increasing number of points of sale, disposable vape brands (legit and blackmarket), and organised recycling options. I also worked with Sutton United on a Christmas themed recycling drop which was fun but also yielded some great results both in terms of engagement and donations.

I haven't stopped collecting and learning about this product (I'm just shy of 1000 collected) and the surrounding complications for councils, recyclers and policy makers to deal with a product that's grown exponentially in the UK.

I'm now working on a brilliant pilot project which has the potential to deliver some genuine change. Watch this space!

You can read the full report here


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