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Writer's pictureLiam Mcsherry

3 eco TikTok creators inspiring positive change

TikTok continues to be an important platform for brands and people that want to engage a global audience (just ask Boris) and get their messages across quickly and creatively. In Q1 this year TikTok was the most downloaded app, beating both instagram and facebook to the No.1 slot.

While the platform has its issues (and it’s great to see the rise of alternatives such as BeReal together with social impact platforms like Curv and InpactWayv), there are a handful of creators that are using TikTok to raise awareness of global issues and encourage positive changes in habits and policies. Here are three worth following.

Anna Sacks - @thetrashwalker

Since June 2020, Anna Sacks has been rooting through rubbish bags left on sidewalks across New York city to show followers what retailers, households and businesses are bagging up to send to landfill. The finds are often eye opening, raising awareness of the amount of waste generated unnecessarily and how much attitudes to recycling and reuse still need to change.

Last year, Anna hit the headlines with a post about Coach’s practice of slashing unsold bags before being discarded. The post went viral and resulted in some change to the company’s policy on unsold and returned items. In an instagram post, Coach pledged to stop the practice of destroying bags, and took the opportunity to highlight its commitment to sustainability, circular solutions and supporting local communities.


Armen Adamjan - @creative_explained

Armen has been posting some brilliant content showing people how to turn the bits and pieces of nothing that tend to get thrown out into something useful and positive. Through Armin’s posts, followers have learnt how to grow fruit, vegetables and flowers from food waste scraps. He also shares all sorts of health related hacks showing people how to make teas and remedies using stuff that’s commonly found at home. Very useful when budgets are hard pressed! What sets Armen apart is his energy and positivity which no doubt has helped him amass 4 million followers over the past 2 years.


Franziska Trautmann - @ecofran

Franziska is a Co-Founder and Director of a glass recycling business based in New Orleans. Frustrated with the lack of local recycling options, and still at college, she started up a small initiative with the ambition to collect glass that was headed for landfill and turn it into sand. Today, her recycling business is a very professional set up and is raising funds to open more glass drop off points, and expand its footprint across Louisiana.

What’s brilliant about her story is that she is inspiring people in her community (online and offline) to take positive action. Scroll through the comments and you’ll see plenty of “you’ve inspired me” and ” do I get started…..”. The company also works with the local community to collect, clean and sort the glass deposits so her work has a great level of local integration and impact. Her content demonstrates that if you feel strongly enough about something then you can take action, no matter how small it might seem at the time.


So what can brands learn from these creators when it comes to their sustainability initiatives?

Purpose - be clear and transparent about what you’re trying to achieve and commit to it. No short term thinking: invest time, energy and thought into what impact you want to have.

Community - engage and involve your followers and customers. Share your journey and be honest about what you’re trying to do and how it's going.

Positive Action - whatever you decide to do as party of your ESG, partnership strategy or planned collaborations, keep it positive and constructive. Try to avoid short term PR stunts and consider if your idea will be remembered in a few months time, and made a difference.


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