Last summer, I pledged to change my habits and introduce more sustainable products and practices into the home. So, how did it go?
Switching to a combi boiler (Vaillant ecoTEC Plus Range) was the biggest investment made last year but one that's had the most positive impact. We had an old school (and I mean old) boiler that was heating a tank of water once or twice day regardless of usage, and therefore using up a lot of energy unnecessarily. The combi heats on demand so you're only using what you need - saving on bills and energy output. The switch to a green energy provider is still on the to do list!
Supporting more eco friendly brands
The first switch made was to @smolproducts laundry and dishwasher tablets. Cruelty free, plastic free and delivered in recyclable packaging, smol is a fantastic product that's an easy change to make. It's great to think of how much plastic has been saved in the 9 months since we signed up.
As a keen tennis player, I was conscious that used overgrips were headed straight for landfill so I was really pleased to discover @ecogripzoneuk - the only compostable tennis overgrip on the market today. Made of natural materials, the grip breaksdown naturally over 12 months. Most overgrips are synthetic and full of nasties so not great for the environment. (I should add that I am such a fan of this product that I am now a UK stockist - see ecogripzone.co.uk for more details).
Chocolate is staple of the McSherry household and while we try to avoid most of the major brands, it was another easy switch to Tony's Chocoloney chocolate. the company is on a mission to develop a sustainable supply chain and 100% slave free work force at source. Only quibble is the challenge faced in distributing pieces evenly and avoiding arguements :)
Brands I admire and plan to support in 2021 are:
Fairphone - the greenest smartphone out there
Nordic dots - sustainable tennis apparel
My Kalea - super cool composter that turns organic waste in compost in 48 hours!
Elvis & Kresse - beautiful bags made from old fire hoses
Cutting plastic usage has been a challenge. With lockdown, I think we have seen more plastic coming into the home rather than the other way but we have spent more time washing and recycling plastic food containers so one thing we could do give the current circumstances.
It's been wonderful finding local initiatives in the Sutton area and once we're able to get out and about, I plan to support them as best I can. Soundlounge is a fantastic music venue and community hub that's on a mission to bring people together and support local projects to the benefit of the environment and people who need a chance. ZerowasteSutton is a new (I think) refill station so a good way to cut down on plastic.
Finally, it's been so uplifting to find so many excellent eco-conscious influencers putting out great content on instagram and other platforms. I've learnt plenty, discovered new brands and got some great ideas as a result. So positive to see a burgeoning community of environmentally minded people, focused on change and eager to support companies trying to do better.